gramática del inglés

Es importante que antes de comenzar con la gramática del inglés, tengas los conocimientos de las reglas que gobiernan este lenguaje para expresarte claramente. Recuerda que sin reglas es imposible comunicarse correctamente con otras personas. Te recordamos no traducir el vocabulario de la oración. Trata de entender las palabras o los nombres tal cual son en el idioma que estás aprendiendo.

A continuación, te presentamos el vocabulario de las principales palabras que escucharás y escribirás cuando comiences con la gramática del idioma Inglés.


 For example: Tom, people, Madrid, books, generosity

Tom usually reads a book or works on his computerduring the flight to Madrid.

Alex works as an analyst in an office in a big city.


For example:  ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘him’, ‘us’, ‘they’ etc. 

The passengers reacted well. They all stayed calm.Alex needs exercise so he either walks to the office or takes his bicycle.


             For example: ‘to play’,  to talk, ‘to clean’ etc.

Today I will play with my friend in the park. 

Alex lives in an area where he can walk or cycle to the office.


For example: ‘big’, ‘small’, ‘white’ etc.

Theyoung man drove his new car down the busy road.

It’s a short distance through a beautiful park in a quietdistrict.


             For example: quickly, carefully, well, often, usually, easily, energetically 

             She usuallywalks quickly to get to work on time.

            The old man walked slowly and carefully down the icy street.


For example “in,” or “on” etc.

The boy walked across the road, past the church and up the hill to get to his school.

Sam goes through the park and up the hill towards the city centre.

Por: profesor Juan de Dios

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